Taylor Lorraine Sorensen was born on Thursday February 18th 2010 at 10:21 am. She weighed 8 pounds 1(.5) ounces and was just about 20 inches long. She now weighs 8 pounds 2 ounces which is pretty good for 4 days old! (I wanted to throw that in now so that people wouldn't get the wrong idea from all the past-tense.) Mother and baby are doing very well and Nana Ruth is helping us out for a few days.
Curtis is adjusting well, given a major cold and being without parents for 2 days. He has inherited "Baby David" from Stephanie's side of the family so he can help take care of a baby until he is old enough to actually help with Taylor (at least when he stops trying to poke the eyes!) Waking up throughout the night for feedings is even more fun than I remembered, but the stress level associated with the second child is SOOO much lower than the first.
All is well here, welcome to the world, Baby Taylor!
We didn't mean to take the kids to Disneyland
6 years ago
Congratulations you guys! We are SO happy for you, and only wish we could be there to come meet her and feed you tacos!!! She is gorgeous and I love her little chubs, and Steph looks SO good (especially for having just given birth!). We love you!!!
I was wondering if she had arrived. Steph, she is perfectly beautiful! Congratulations!
My favorite picture is Cash$ poking Baby David in the eye. That kid is hilarious!
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