Curtis has now graduated into his toddler bed. This picture is his first night in bed. Later on that evening I went to check on him again. As soon as I opened the door he woke up and scrambled into bed himself. He finds bedtime fascinating and fun now.
Taylor is more awake now-a-days and likes to chill out.
Curtis is very curious and gentle with Taylor. He often tries to pick her up during diaper changes or re-Binky her or himself while she is sleeping.
Not all of the family has been able to come visit Taylor but some of their friends have... Julia.
Jenny makes goood dinners by the way. Thanks!
But the best highlight of all is found in this video with a wink and a smile.
...And as a Bonus...
Video Charade: Jeremy's new calling.
Can you guess?
... that's right, the Ward's Choir Director.