Tuesday, August 11, 2009

One Of The Big Unknowns, Known.

Yesterday Jeremy told me that I only have 25,000 days left, to live. Although it is much longer than pregnancy it still doesn't sound like a lot of time to live. Until you put it into years. We calculated it out and I'll live to the ripe old age of 94. Depending on what I make of it, it is both comforting and daunting. So I decided to get the actual date which would be Jan 21, 2078. So if you happen to be around, I'd love it if you could make it to my funeral on approx. Jan 23rd... 2078 that is.


hairofgold said...

Don't believe him! He's just trying to trick you because you're brain is small now.

Truth said...

Congrats on the next Sorensen and on setting the date for your funeral. I am planning on attending, but since I will be 119 at that time I request that the funeral be held somewhere where I can use my walker. Would you like me to speak? Sing a musical number with family members perhaps? Just let me know, I am there for you.

Kim said...

Thanks for keepng us informed with some great pictures and videos. Congrates on number 2!

Steve-O said...

We'll be there.