For Curtis' whole life (2mths) people have been asking his age followed by the question of weight. Once they get the low down on him they make comments like,
"Wooow, he is like in the 100th percentile!"Well, come to find out at the Doctor's office today there is no 100th percentile, only 95 percentile, which he is for height and weight. This chubby like monster of joy weighted in at
14lbs 8oz on an empty stomach, with a height of
24 3/4 inches. However his head is only in the 70th percentile. But no worries there because I'm convinced that it just means he won't have a big head when all of his intelligence starts revealing itself to the world, making him a well rounded individual. Dr. M. even said he was very well rounded. It doesn't matter that he was just referring to his head shape.
Comical Bloody MurderAfter the Dr. M's inspection of lil' Mr. Wonderful, we waited around to get our two month stabbing of diseases. I don't think Curtis quite new what was occuring. When the nurse walked in the room Curtis became very flirty and started chatting it up this the nurse as she was trying to give him some clear delicious liquid vaccine. He continued to chat it up and flirt even while she prepped the band aids. I thought for sure that there was going to be a date. But then things went horribly wrong as soon as she started stabbing him over and over. He shrieked bloody murder, also known as one continuous
WWwwwwaaaaaahhh, and got super red in the face. I could tell he thought twice about how much he liked her after that. I hadn't seen or heard him cry like that since birth. He looked like a newborn again. I couldn't help but laugh a little. Right now he is in the recovery room sleeping off the battle wounds (His crib).
Oh and by the way, Curtis setup a Date but it's been postponed until he turns 4mths. I think he is hoping to be able to sit up by then in order to flirt properly.