I'm amazed everyday by how much this little man grows. He is acting more and more like a toddler and I LOVE it. Since I graduated from SDSU I have continued my education with classes that both Curtis and I can enjoy. Through SDCCD, the local community college, I have been able to enjoy free classroom experiences with Curtis. This summer Curtis and I are taking Outdoor Classroom, where moms and kids age 1-2 years have 6 outdoor activities at different locations around San Diego County.
Although it takes all morning to get ready for each class and I'm ready for a break by the time I get there I think they are soo fun and worth every free penny.
This last time we got into the San Diego County Fair for free. We only stayed for three hours plus travel time but we had it jammed packed with fun.
We saw:
A Magic Show-
Curtis was more amazed by the haystacks we sat on while we ate our lunch.
A Turkey Stampede-
Where we learned about turkey's and watched them race. The blue team won.
And the Petting Zoo-
Where we talked about what sounds different animals make.
...like a pig...
...a lamb...
...and a cow.
Every time we go he learns something new. This last time.... well just watch:
That's my boy!